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The Sunday Reader – Issue 5: One year of blogging!

Today, February 20th, marks exactly 365 days since Free2WinGames was created. Can you believe it?! To be honest, it feels like the time has flown by!!

I’m not the greatest when it comes to sticking with a project, so the fact that I’ve made it a full year is a HUGE triumph for me. ^_^ Here’s to many more!


Then and Now

Ever wondered what it was like in “ye olde” days? Well here’s some info that should entertain you!

  Then (2/20/2010) Now (2/20/2011)
Site Name Fun Money Games Free2WinGames.com
Total # of Posts 2 213
Average Guide Length 300 words
(first 5 guides)
1600 words
(last 5 guides)
Average # of Pics per Guide 2
(first 5 guides)
(last 5 guides)
Covered Sites IWON, Pogo, Slingo, and Winster  <—Those four plus BugleGames, Candystand, Club Bing, Gamesville, FreeSlots, GSN Oodles, KadoKado, Playtopia, and Spigo
Total Visits Tbh, I don’t remember. Probably less than 100 for the first month. 15,583
Average Daily Visits 4-5 If I was lucky! 50-70
Social Media Involvement Signed up for Twitter and Facebook shortly after I made my blog. @MiraHopes2Win ~ 9,500 tweets
Mira Hope on FB has 295 friends (and I always love more!) ^_^

Free2WinGames is now on FB
Who I know In the casual gaming Biz, and what they do. Nobody. I Just started writing! BugleGames: Community Manager

Candystand: Producer

Gamesville: Product Manager, Community Manager, Lead Artist
GSN Oodles (sorta): Whoever runs the Twitter account. ^_^

Playtopia: Game Designer

Slingo: Director of Marketing, Community Manager

Spigo: Lead Game Developer, CEO, North America Manager
Winster: Community Manager
Money Earned through Ads $0
(Big surprise there.)
AdSense: $159.43
Project Wonderful: $1.94
Amazon Affiliates: $0
Estimated # of Times I check SiteMeter 1,000+ times a month 1,000+ times a month
Contests 1st Giveaway was Sponsored by BugleGames, and ran  from June 5-11th Points4Prizes went live on Oct 20th, and currently has $119 worth of prizes up for February!
Find any surprises? If you’re curious about anything please just ask! I’ll add the answer to the table for future generations. ^_~
I wish I had thought to take a screenie of the original site design, but i didn’t. (And the template is no longer available!) But there wasn’t a nav menu and no wibiya toolbar. I love that thing! <3

Personal Life

Of course, a lot has changed in my life too! Here are a few highlights:
  • February 24th 2010 – Turned 29. (Last year in my 20’s. Eek!!) Signed up for Twitter and Gamesville as a b’day gift for myself! Made a lot of awesome friends from both places. ^_^
  • June – Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Fun! So far I’ve only had one flare, but that was a party I could do without.
  • September 8th – Received offer to write guides for Winster. (A PAID gig!! OMG!!!)
  • Jan 21st 2011 – Was asked to write some guest posts for Slingo! Still ironing out the topic details, but it’ll happen. ^_^
  • Took steps to re-learn HTML, learn XTML, and CSS. Still workin’ on the CSS, but at least I can make sense of most of it.
  • Watched the first 4 seasons of the NEW Doctor Who in 2 weeks or so.
  • Read the Dresden Files, newest Sookie Stackhouse book, and a few other fantasy sci-fi series that got passed around the house. I often go 6+ weeks without reading anything new, and then suddenly it’s time for a book binge!

The biggest, and most amazing change is how I started out knowing no one, and now I have many friends in the casual gaming industry who want me to succeed! That support means the world to me. <3

Now, tomorrow we’re going to kick things off with a reward for the current Points4Prizes members, and a trivia game that’s going to last alllll week long. I hope you have a lot of fun with it!

I’m grateful for each and every one of you, even if you never say a darn thing. ^_^ I hope you’ve enjoyed reading Free2WinGames and maybe even found a few new games to play!

Keep coming back, and tell your friends about me! ^_~

hat-purpleHAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!hat-blue


Free2WinGames.com Copyright © 2010 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino

All images used in posts are Copyright of their respective designers, including (but not limited to):
BugleGames, Candystand, Club Bing, FreeSlots, Gamesville, GSN Oodles, IWON, KadoKado, Playtopia, Pogo, Slingo, Spigo, and Winster.